Unleashing the power of textures!

From luminance-0.1 to luminance-0.2 included, it was not possible to use any texture types different than two-dimensional textures. This blog entry tags the new release, luminance-0.3, which adds support for several kinds of texture.

A bit more dimensions

Texture1D, Texture2D and Texture3D are all part of the new release. The interface has changed – hence the breaking changes yield a major version increment – and I’ll explain how it has.

Basically, textures are now fully polymorphic and are constrained by a typeclass: Texture. That typeclass enables ad hoc polymorphism. It is then possible to add more texture types without having to change the interface, which is cool. Like everything else in luminance, you just have to ask the typesystem which kind of texture you want, and everything will be taken care of for you.

Basically, you have three functions to know:

All those functions work on (Texture t) => t, so it will work with all kinds of texture.


Cubemaps are also included. They work like other textures but add the concept of faces. Feel free to dig in the documentation for further details.

What’s next?

I need to find a way to wrap texture arrays, which are very nice and useful for layered rendering. After that, I’ll try to expose the change to the framebuffers so that we can create framebuffers with cubemaps or that kind of cool feature.

In the waiting, have a good a week!

↑ luminance-0.3 – Adding more texture kinds to the equation…
cubemap, framework, graphics, Haskell, luminance, OpenGL, texture
Tue Oct 6 00:00:00 2015 UTC