I have been doing Advent of Code 2021, like every year since 2018, and I would like to share some reflections about it. This year, I would like to talk about the implementation I made for day 16.

— Day 16: Packet Decoder — // reflections

This problem doesn’t look too hard at the first glance, but has some hidden complexities than I thought pretty interesting. Just to sum up if you don’t want to open the link, the first part requires you to parse a hexadecimal number and interpret its binary representation as a packet, like what you would find in a network packet format, basically. You need to be able to parse correctly a single packet, which can contain nested packets. In this puzzle, packets represent expressions, that can either be:

Each packet have a header, comprising a header and its type (literal or operator), and then the actual data of the packet.

From this context, it seems pretty obvious to assume this is going to be a parsing problem. The first part asks you to parse the packet and its nested packets, and add all the version numbers of the headers of all packets. The format goes as this (quoting):

Every packet begins with a standard header: the first three bits encode the packet version, and the next three bits encode the packet type ID. These two values are numbers; all numbers encoded in any packet are represented as binary with the most significant bit first. For example, a version encoded as the binary sequence 100 represents the number 4.

Then, you have the description of a packet representing a literal number:

Packets with type ID 4 represent a literal value. Literal value packets encode a single binary number. To do this, the binary number is padded with leading zeroes until its length is a multiple of four bits, and then it is broken into groups of four bits. Each group is prefixed by a 1 bit except the last group, which is prefixed by a 0 bit. These groups of five bits immediately follow the packet header. For example, the hexadecimal string D2FE28 becomes:


Below each bit is a label indicating its purpose:

  • The three bits labeled V (110) are the packet version, 6.
  • The three bits labeled T (100) are the packet type ID, 4, which means the packet is a literal value.
  • The five bits labeled A (10111) start with a 1 (not the last group, keep reading) and contain the first four bits of the number, 0111.
  • The five bits labeled B (11110) start with a 1 (not the last group, keep reading) and contain four more bits of the number, 1110.
  • The five bits labeled C (00101) start with a 0 (last group, end of packet) and contain the last four bits of the number, 0101.
  • The three unlabeled 0 bits at the end are extra due to the hexadecimal representation and should be ignored.

So, this packet represents a literal value with binary representation 011111100101, which is 2021 in decimal.

I’m just going to focus on this first kind of packet because it’s already interesting.

Header parsing

From this description, if you have ever done bit parsing, you should already know that there is going to be a problem. You can parse a literal packet using this kind of pseudo code (ignoring errors for simplicity, it’s AoC!):

fn parse_packet(&mut self) -> Packet {
  let version = self.next_bits(3);
  let type_id = self.next_bits(3);

  match type_id {
    4 => todo!("literal parser"),
    _ => todo!("operator parser"),

The big question is: how do we implement next_bits? Getting 3 bits of information? As you might know, the smallest amount of information a computer can manipulate is a byte, which is 8 bits, so… how do we manipulate less than that?

The encoding problem

I would like to say one thing before going on. The input is a hexadecimal string. The first step of your solution is to extract the binary representation. For instance, A (10 in decimal) is encoded as 1010 and 5A is encoded as 01011010. As you can see (might already know), hexadecimal is easy to parse into bytes: group hexadecimal digits by two, convert each digit to 4 bits, and glue them together. 5A is 5 -> 0101 and A -> 1010, which gives 01011010 as seen above.

But as we have seen with next_bits above, we will want to manipulate bits, not bytes. So you have several choices and design decisions to make here:

You can go the « easy » way and store each bit as a byte. This is very suboptimal, because you are going to waste 8 times the amount of memory you actually need to store all this. For instance, 5A (01011010), which is a single byte on your computer, will require 8 bytes to be stored: 00000000, 00000001, 00000000, 00000001, 00000001, 00000000, 00000001, 00000000. That is very inefficient, but it would work, if you put them in a Vec<u8>. To do that, you would basically need to read one hexadecimal digit at a time (which has 4 bits), and then perform bitwise right shifts with masking (& 0x1) to extract the bit. Something like:

fn inefficient_bit_extract(&mut self, four_bits: u8) {
  for i in 0..4 {
    self.bits.push((four_bits >> i) & 0x1);

With this solution, implementing next_bits is easier, because you only need to pop the Vec<u8>. Let’s write next_bits with this kind of implementation. Because we do not need more than 15 bits in this puzzle (explained later in the puzzle text, not really important for now), we will return the read bits on u16:

fn next_bits(&mut self, n: usize) -> u16 {
  assert!(n < 16);

  let mut out = 0;

  for i in 0..n {
    out = (out << i) | self.bits.pop() as u16;


Let’s explain quickly.

    out = (out << i) | self.bits.pop() as u16;

This will extract a single bit, like 00000001, will convert it to 16-bit (so 0000000000000001) and will OR it to the number we are building. That number is left shifted at each iteration so that we only OR the least significant bit at each iteration. For instance, if we call next_bits(3) and we get 101, this implementation will basically store this in out at each iteration:

Easy, and works.

The other encoding

However, I am a perfectionist. This is not satisfying to me, and it has been years since I have been wanting to implement something like what I am about to describe. I have been thinking about this problem with a different context but it is similar: a bool value, in a computer, is stored on the minimal amount of data a computer can manipulate: a byte. It means than storing a boolean value wastes 7 bits. If you have a single boolean value, there is nothing you can do. But if you need several boolean values, like, six booleans… using 6 bytes still wastes 42 bits for 6 bits of useful data! And 6 bits can hold in a single byte. So we should be able to store booleans in a packed array of bytes. The idea is the following: imagine that you want to store six boolean value in a byte:


I have labelled each bit with a letter to make it easier to reference them. If you want to, for instance, the boolean value stored at index 2 (F in our representation), all you have to do is to right shift that number using the index of the element and 1-bit mask:

fn read_boolean(byte: u8, index: usize) -> u8 {
  assert!(index < 8);

  (byte >> index) & 0x1

If you want to set it, you need to do the opposite operation using a logical OR:

fn set_boolean(byte: &mut u8, index: usize) {
  *byte = *byte | (0x1 << index);

I wanted to use this AoC 18 day to encode my solution as a packed array of bits, and still have the next_bits interface that would allow me to get between 0 and 15 bits of data, encoded as u16. The catch is: because I bit pack the hexadecimal number, it is going to lie in a Vec<u8>. And the whole complexity relies in the fact asking for N bits can span across several bytes in the packed array…

Bit packing solution

The first thing we need to do is to think about the interface. I want that mutable next_bits interface. What it means is that I want to be able to read as many bits as I want (given less than 16 bits), I should not have to worry about the byte implications behind the scenes. The puzzle text clearly shows that when we are going to parse a literal value, we will have to read groups of 5 bits. Reading two literal numbers already implies two bytes (10 bits), and even the first group implies reading two bytes, because before that, you have the header on 6 bits (3 bits for the version, 3 bits for the type ID), living 2 bits to read for the beginning of the group, and 3 bits in the next byte to read. That’s a lot of complexity that should be hidden from the interface.

Let’s start with the Decoder type:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Decoder {
  bytes: Vec<u8>,
  bitpos: usize, // the position in bit in the byte array

This is fairly simple: bytes is the bit-packed array I mentioned, and bitpos is the current position in that array. But it’s not the position in the array elements, it’s the position in bits. If bytes has 3 bytes (24 bits), then bitpos can be between 0 and 23. To know in which actual array element the bit is, we simply need to divide by 8. For instance, if bitpos = 17, then 17 / 8 = 2 tells us that the bit is in bytes[2]. To know the actual bit position in that byte, you will have guessed it, you need to take the modulo: 17 % 8 = 1, which is the second most significant bit. You can convert to least significant bit by subtracting that number to 8: 8 - 1 = 7.

With all that information, let’s fill the bytes:

impl Decoder {
  fn new(input: &str) -> Self {
    let digits: Vec<_> = input.chars().flat_map(|hexa| hexa.to_digit(16)).collect();
    let bytes = digits.chunks(2).map(|d| (d[0] << 4 | d[1]) as u8).collect();

    Self { bytes, bitpos: 0 }

Here, because this is AoC, I don’t care about errors, and hence use flat_map to remove Option or Result in iterators. The important thing here is that I group hexadecimal digits by 2 (the .chunks(2) part), and then simply do this:

|d| (d[0] << 4 | d[1]) as u8

d[0] are the most significant 4 bits, so I left shift them by 4 bits, and d[1] is already correctly positioned, so nothing to do with it. I convert to u8 parse to_digit(16) yields u32.

Then, let’s implement next_bits.

Packed next_bits

  fn next_bits(&mut self, n: usize) -> u16 {
    // how many bits are still available from the current byte
    // 0000000011111111
    //      ^ position is 5, so we have 3 bits still available
    let bits_avail = 8 - self.bitpos % 8;

    if bits_avail >= n {
      // we have enough in the current byte; compute the new position and right shift to align correctly
      let shift = bits_avail - n;
      let byte = (self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16 >> shift) & ((1 << n) - 1);
      self.bitpos += n;
    } else {
      // …

The first step to do is to check whether the amount of bits requested would make us overlap with another byte given the current bitpos. If it’s not the case, then the problem is trivial. As shown in the example, we can just simply right shift by the number of available bits minus the requested amount (because we might still have room afterwards), and mask the N least significant bits. By the way, this is a funny one: setting to 1 the N significant bits. If you have N = 3, you want (on 8-bit here to simplify) 00000111. How do you make that quickly? It’s actually quite simple: what is this number? This 111? It’s an odd number (because its least significant bit is 1) and it looks like it’s almost 2³. It’s actually 2³ - 1. And this makes sense: remember in school / when you were learning binary that the biggest number you can represent on N bits is 2^n - 1. Like, on 8-bit, 2⁸ is 256, and the biggest number you can represent is 255, as you might already know, which is 11111111. So, we can simply deduce 00111…1 is the biggest number for 2^N where N is the number of 1. And that number is 2^N - 1. A power of 2, in binary, is a simple shift. So, 2^N is 1 << N. And `2^N

We then increment bitpos by the number of read bits, and return the actual byte, for which the read bits are right shifted.

Now, what happens when bits_avail < n? We have to read bits_avail and shift them in the 16-bit output. Then we will have to switch to the next byte, and read n - bits_avail additional bits, because n is the requested number of bits to read and since we read every bits available from the current bytes, well, n - bits_avail. The « byte switching » logic can be a bit overwhelming at first but is actually not that hard: once we have read bits_avail, we know that the next byte will have 8 bits available. We can then divide the problem in two sub-problems, easier:

  1. Read and shift 8 bits of data as long as n >= 8.
  2. Read the remaining bits in the last byte.

This logic is implemented in the } else { branch, so I will just copy the else and put the code, and explain it:

    } else {
      // this is the annoying part; first, get all the bits from the current byte
      let byte0 = (self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16) & ((1 << bits_avail) - 1);
      self.bitpos += bits_avail;

      // then, left shift those bits as most significant bits for the final number
      let mut final_byte = byte0;

      // then, we need to get the remaining bits; compute the number of bytes we need
      let n = n - bits_avail;
      let bytes_needed = n / 8;

      // while we require more than 1 byte, the problem is trivial; just copy and left shift the bytes
      for _ in 1..=bytes_needed {
        let byte = self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16;
        self.bitpos += 8;
        final_byte = (final_byte << 8) | byte;

      // the remaining bits can be extracted from the last byte
      let n = n % 8;
      let shift = 8 - n;
      let byte = (self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16 >> shift) & ((1 << n) - 1);
      self.bitpos += n;

      final_byte = (final_byte << n) | byte;


Let’s dive in.

      let byte0 = (self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16) & ((1 << bits_avail) - 1);
      self.bitpos += bits_avail;

This is the current byte, from which, as said earlier, we need to read all available bits. Because we are going to read everything from the current position to the least significant bit, we can just read the whole byte and apply a mask for the bits_avail least significant bits (remember the explanation earlier). So & ((1 << bits_avail) - 1) does the job. Because we have read bits_avail bits, we increment bitpos as well.

      // then, left shift those bits as most significant bits for the final number
      let mut final_byte = byte0;

This part is not strictly needed as I could have called byte0 final_byte in the first place, but I wanted a clear mind about what was doing what. The idea for the following steps is that we are going to accumulate bits in final_byte by left shifting it before applying the logical OR. The amount of shift to apply depends on the amount of bits read. For the case where we read a whole byte, we will just right shift by 8 bits.

      // then, we need to get the remaining bits; compute the number of bytes we need
      let n = n - bits_avail;
      let bytes_needed = n / 8;

This is a pretty straight-forward code given what I said above. n - bits_avail is the remaining amount of bits to read. bytes_needed is the number of full bytes we will have to go through (in self.bytes), and from which we will extract 8 bits each. The rest then makes more sense:

      // while we require more than 1 byte, the problem is trivial; just copy and left shift the bytes
      for _ in 1..=bytes_needed {
        let byte = self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16;
        self.bitpos += 8;
        final_byte = (final_byte << 8) | byte;

Then, the remaining bits are the last part of the parsing problem. The idea is that we know we will have to read between 1 and 7 bits from that byte. That information is stored as n and shift:

      let n = n % 8;
      let shift = 8 - n;

We then extract the information, and return the N-bit number:

      let byte = (self.bytes[self.bitpos / 8] as u16 >> shift) & ((1 << n) - 1);
      self.bitpos += n;

      final_byte = (final_byte << n) | byte;


Decoding a literal packet

Armed with next_bits, the problem really becomes trivial. Let’s decode a literal packet and introduce the Packet type:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Header {
  version: u8,
  type_id: u8,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Packet {
  Literal {
    header: Header,
    value: u128,

  Operator {
    header: Header,
    length_type_id: u8,
    packets: Vec<Packet>,

And Decoder::decode:

impl Decoder {
  // …

  fn decode(&mut self) -> Packet {
    let version = self.next_bits(3) as u8;
    let type_id = self.next_bits(3) as u8;
    let header = Header { version, type_id };

    match type_id {
      // literal value
      4 => {
        let mut value = 0u128;
        loop {
          let bits = self.next_bits(5) as u128;
          value = (value << 4) | (bits & 0xF);

          if (bits >> 4) & 0x1 == 0 {
            break Packet::Literal { header, value };

      // operator
      _ => {

Some explanation. Given the format, we know that a literal number is made of packets of 5 bits, where the most significant bit does not belong to the number, but instead is a flag. If set to 0, it means that the literal is over.

          value = (value << 4) | (bits & 0xF);

This accumulates the 4 least significant bits of the 5 bits into the actual literal number.

          if (bits >> 4) & 0x1 == 0 {

And this performs the test on the most significant bit to check whether the literal number is fully built.

Parsing operators

Operators represent the other kind of packets, and are introduced, quoting:

Every other type of packet (any packet with a type ID other than 4) represent an operator that performs some calculation on one or more sub-packets contained within. Right now, the specific operations aren’t important; focus on parsing the hierarchy of sub-packets.

An operator packet contains one or more packets. To indicate which subsequent binary data represents its sub-packets, an operator packet can use one of two modes indicated by the bit immediately after the packet header; this is called the length type ID:

  • If the length type ID is 0, then the next 15 bits are a number that represents the total length in bits of the sub-packets contained by this packet.
  • If the length type ID is 1, then the next 11 bits are a number that represents the number of sub-packets immediately contained by this packet.

Finally, after the length type ID bit and the 15-bit or 11-bit field, the sub-packets appear.

There is nothing else to do than just applying those rules:

      // in Decoder::decode’s match on type ID

      // operator
      _ => {
        let length_type_id = self.next_bits(1) as u8;
        let mut packets = Vec::new();

        if length_type_id == 0 {
          let total_length_bits = self.next_bits(15) as usize;
          let mut bits_read = 0;

          while bits_read < total_length_bits {
            let bitpos = self.bitpos;
            bits_read += self.bitpos - bitpos;
        } else {
          let sub_packets_nb = self.next_bits(11);

          for _ in 0..sub_packets_nb {

        Packet::Operator {

Because of the next_bits interface, for when length_type_id == 0, we have no way to know deterministically when to stop, because we don’t really know how long each packet is. Because of this, the bits_read variable is introduced so that we know how many bits we read. That inforation is easy to get by comparing the value of bitpos before and after reading a packet. For the other branch, there is nothing interesting to comment here.

Part 1: summing packet headers’ versions

The first question was:

Decode the structure of your hexadecimal-encoded BITS transmission; what do you get if you add up the version numbers in all packets?

And my input was (it was a single string but I break it on several lines, because it’s pretty long):



  1. Parse the input and decode it into a Packet.
  2. Recurse on the version field of all sub-packets, summing them.
fn solve1(input: &str) -> u32 {
  let mut decoder = Decoder::new(input);

fn checksum(packet: &Packet) -> u32 {
  match packet {
    Packet::Literal { header, .. } => header.version as _,
    Packet::Operator {
      header, packets, ..
    } => header.version as u32 + packets.iter().map(checksum).sum::<u32>(),

Yes, it’s that simple once you have made the right framework. :) Note that this function is not tail-recursive. A tail-recursive version would probably perform faster, but it was so convenient to write and took me 15s.

Part 2: evaluating the expression

Part 2 explains that the operator packets are actually expression operators, operating on literal values. Basically, it’s a whole AST. The rules are:

This is my solution:

fn solve2(input: &str) -> u64 {
  let mut decoder = Decoder::new(input);

fn eval(packet: &Packet) -> u64 {
  match packet {
    Packet::Literal { value, .. } => *value as _,
    Packet::Operator {
      header, packets, ..
    } => match header.type_id {
      0 => packets.iter().map(eval).sum::<u64>(),
      1 => packets.iter().map(eval).product::<u64>(),
      2 => packets.iter().map(eval).min().unwrap(),
      3 => packets.iter().map(eval).max().unwrap(),
      5 => {
        if eval(&packets[0]) > eval(&packets[1]) {
        } else {
      6 => {
        if eval(&packets[0]) < eval(&packets[1]) {
        } else {
      7 => {
        if eval(&packets[0]) == eval(&packets[1]) {
        } else {

      id => panic!("unknown type id: {}", id),

And here you have it all. The complete solution is available on my GitHub repository for AoC 21. I don’t think it was the hardest problem, nor the more interesting, but the decision (and challenge) I decided to go with (bit-packing with a bit-driven interface) made the whole thing much more fun and interesting to me.

I hoped you liked it and that you learned something, especially regarding bitwise operations. That was pretty heavy! I think that you should also now have an idea about how you could write a specialized version of Vec<bool> that bit-packs booleans value. Obviously, we do not want Vec<bool> to actually do that kind of specialization behind the scenes (think FFI: when getting a *const bool or *mut bool from the Vec<bool>, if those pointers point to bit-packed data… it’s going to be a nightmare if the FFI function you use expect an actual array of unpacked boolean values).

For the rest of AoC, I’m probably going to continue working on it but I’m currently pausing at day 18 (Christmas, fatigue, a bit of OSS burnout too). I will probably write some more about AoC once I feel rested.

Have fun and keep the vibes!

↑ Optimizing Advent of Code 2021 Day 16 part 1 & 2
Fri Dec 24 14:54:00 2021 UTC