Lately, I’ve been playing around with alto in my demoscene framework. This crate in the replacement of openal-rs as openal-rs has been deprecated because unsound. It’s a wrapper over OpenAL, which enables you to play 3D sounds and gives you several physical properties and effects you can apply.

The problem

Just to let you fully understand the problem, let me introduce a few principles from alto. As a wrapper over OpenAL, it exposes quite the same interface, but adds several safe-related types. In order to use the API, you need three objects:

There are well-defined relationships between those objects that state about their lifetimes. An Alto object must outlive the Device and the Device must outlive the Context. Basically:

let alto = Alto::load_default(None).unwrap(); // bring the default OpenAL implementation in
let dev =; // open the default device
let ctx = dev.new_context(None).unwrap(); // create a default context with no OpenAL extension

As you can see here, the lifetimes are not violated, because alto outlives dev which outlives ctx. Let’s dig in the type and function signatures to get the lifetimes right (documentation here).

fn Alto::open<'s, S: Into<Option<&'s CStr>>>(&self, spec: S) -> AltoResult<Device>

The S type is just a convenient type to select a specific implementation. We need the default one, so just pass None. However, have a look at the result. AltoResult<Device>. I told you about lifetime relationships. This one might be tricky, but you always have to wonder “is there an elided lifetime here?”. Look at the Device type:

pub struct Device<'a> { /* fields omitted */ }

Yep! So, what’s the lifetime of the Device in AltoResult<Device>? Well, that’s simple: the lifetime elision rule in action is one of the simplest:

If there are multiple input lifetime positions, but one of them is &self or &mut self, the lifetime of self is assigned to all elided output lifetimes. (source)

So let’s rewrite the Alto::open function to make it clearer:

fn Alto::open<'a, 's, S: Into<Option<&'s CStr>>>(&'a self, spec: S) -> AltoResult<Device<'a>> // exact same thing as above

So, what you can see here is that the Device must be valid for the same lifetime as the reference we pass in. Which means that Device cannot outlive the reference. Hence, it cannot outlive the Alto object.

impl<'a> Device<'a> {
  // …
  fn new_context<A: Into<Option<ContextAttrs>>>(&self, attrs: A) -> AltoResult<Context>
  // …

That looks a bit similar. Let’s have a look at Context:

pub struct Context<'d> { /* fields omitted */ }

Yep, same thing! Let’s rewrite the whole thing:

impl<'a> Device<'a> {
  // …
  fn new_context<'b, A: Into<Option<ContextAttrs>>>(&'b self, attrs: A) -> AltoResult<Context<'b>>
  // …

Plus, keep in mind that self is actually Device<'a>. The first argument of this function then awaits a &'b Device<'a> object!

rustc is smart enough to automatically insert the 'a: 'b lifetime bound here – i.e. the ’a lifetime outlives ’b. Which makes sense: the reference will die before the Device<'a> is dropped.

Ok, ok. So, what’s the problem then?!

The (real) problem

The snippet of code above about how to create the three objects is straight-forward (though we don’t take into account errors, but that’s another topic). However, in my demoscene framework, I really don’t want people to use that kind of types. The framework should be completely agnostic about which technology or API is used internally. For my purposes, I just need a single type with a few methods to work with.

Something like that:

struct Audio = {}

impl Audio {
  pub fn new<P>(track_path: P) -> Result<Self> where P: AsRef<Path> {}

  pub fn toggle(&mut self) -> bool {}

  pub fn playback_cursor(&self) -> f32 {}

  pub fn set_playback_cursor(&self, t: f32) {}

impl Drop for Audio {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    // stop the music if playing; do additional audio cleanup

This is a very simple interface, yet I don’t need more. Audio::set_playback_cursor is cool when I debug my demos in realtime by clicking a time panel to quickly jump to a part of the music. Audio::toggle() enables me to pause the demo to inspect an effect in the demo. Etc.

However, how can I implement Audio::new?

The (current) limits of borrowing

The problem kicks in as we need to wrap the three types – Alto, Device and Context – as the fields of Audio:

struct Audio<'a> {
  alto: Alto,
  dev: Device<'a>,
  context: Context<'a>

We have a problem if we do this. Even though the type is correct, we cannot correctly implement Audio::new. Let’s try:

impl<'a> Audio<'a> {
  pub fn new<P>(_: P) -> Result<Self> where P: AsRef<Path> {
    let alto = Alto::load_default(None).unwrap();
    let dev =;
    let ctx = dev.new_context(None).unwrap();

    Ok(Audio {
      alto: alto,
      dev: dev,
      ctx: ctx

As you can see, that cannot work:

error: `alto` does not live long enough
  --> /tmp/alto/src/
14 |     let dev =;
   |               ^^^^ does not live long enough
22 |   }
   |   - borrowed value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the body at 12:19...
  --> /tmp/alto/src/
12 |   fn new() -> Self {
   |                    ^

error: `dev` does not live long enough
  --> /tmp/alto/src/
15 |     let ctx = dev.new_context(None).unwrap();
   |               ^^^ does not live long enough
22 |   }
   |   - borrowed value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the body at 12:19...
  --> /tmp/alto/src/
12 |   fn new() -> Self {
   |                    ^

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

What’s going on here? Well, we’re hitting a problem called the problem of self-borrowing. Look at the first two lines of our implementation of Audio::new:

let alto = Alto::load_default(None).unwrap();
let dev =;

As you can see, the call to Alto::open borrows alto – via a &Alto reference. And of course, you cannot move a value that is borrowed – that would invalidate all the references pointing to it. We also have another problem: imagine we could do that. All those types implement Drop. Because they basically all have the same lifetime, there’s no way to know which one borrows information from whom. The dropchecker has no way to know that. It will then refuse to code creating objects of this type, because dropping might be unsafe in that case.

What can we do about it?

Currently, this problem is linked to the fact that the lifetime system is a bit too restrictive and doesn’t allow for self-borrowing. Plus, you also have the dropchecker issue to figure out. Even though we were able to bring in alto and device altogether, how do you handle context? The dropchecker doesn’t know which one must be dropped first – there’s no obvious link at this stage between alto and all the others anymore, because that link was made with a reference to alto that died – we’re moving out of the scope of the Audio::new function.

That’s a bit tough. The current solution I implemented to fix the issue is ok–ish, but I dislike it because it adds a significant performance overhead: I just moved the initialization code in a thread that stays awake until the Audio object dies, and I use a synchronized channel to communicate with the objects in that thread. That works because the thread provides us with a stack, that is the support of lifetimes – think of scopes.

Another solution would be to move that initialization code in a function that would accept a closure – your application. Once everything is initialized, the closure is called with a few callbacks to toggle / set the cursor of the object living “behind” on the stack. I don’t like that solution because it modifies the main design – having an Audio object was the goal.

Other solutions are:

I don’t have a satisfying solution yet to that problem. My thread solution works and lets me have a single type abstracting all of that, but having a thread for such a thing is a waste of resources to me. I think I’ll implement the closure solution as, currently, it’s not possible to embed in struct lifetimes’ semantics / logic. I guess it’s okay; I guess the problem is also linked to the fact the concept is pretty young and we’re still kind of experimenting it. But clearly, lifetimes hit a hard problem here that they cannot solve correctly. Keep in mind that even if unsafe solutions exist, we’re talking about a library that’s designed to work with Rust lifetimes as a pretty high level of abstraction. Firing transmute is very symptomatic of something wrong. I’m open to suggestions, because I’ve been thinking the problem all day long without finding a proper solution.

Keep the vibe!

↑ Lifetimes limits – self borrowing and dropchecker
borrowing, dropchecker, lifetimes, Rust
Tue Feb 7 00:00:00 2017 UTC