Have you ever installed a Neovim plugin and realized a few days / weeks later, after updating the plugin, that something broke? That you now have have annoying error messages at startup? If so, then this blog article should ring a bell. If not, it will probably open your eyes on a problem that can bite you at any moment.

Neovim and plugins

I have been in that situation where I struggle with plugins breaking every time I update, and not only in Neovim. The problem can occur pretty much anywhere. The main reason to this is simple: breaking changes happen, and must happen. Plugins maintainers might decide at some point that something must be removed, or changed. A configuration option you were using disappears or its name changes. That happens and it’s part of the how software works.

However, there is a difference between breaking changes in plugins and breaking changes in i.e. libraries / binaries we write in languages supporting package managers, such as Rust and cargo, Haskell and cabal, Python and poetry, etc. etc. Actually, there are two main differences, depending on the perspective you take to look at the problem:

About the last point, when I work on a given software project, I specify the dependencies of my project, and I specify the versions of those dependencies. Using SemVer, I’m sure that if the those dependencies are correctly written, I should be able to release my software (lib or bin) without any issues on my users. There are exceptions, but those are rare and most of the time related to human errors when implementing SemVer incorrectly.

When you write a plugin, you will most likely write it in a language and ecosystem that doesn’t even support versioning. Which brings me to the main point of this article: how do you prevent breaking your users?

The git channel and the « latest » problem

Neovim plugins are often implemented in package managers like packer via Git URLs. Most of the time, foo/bar will be installed as the bar plugin, part of the org / user foo on GitHub. You can also install local plugins but that’s off topic here. When you provide the description of the plugin to install, you will most of the time provide nothing more. This will default to install and synchronize the plugin using the master branch (or whatever your local git says, like main). As a Software Engineer, to me, this is a really bad habit we all have, and I’ll explain why.

When you depend on the latest version of something, you are basically signing a contract between your local system and the remote system to keep your local version in sync with remote. If the remote gets updated, you get the changes the next time you update. The problem with this is that master contains zero information about whether an update is a breaking change or not. It’s the same reason why defaulting API calls to your API service to the latest version of the API is wrong and that you should default them to v1: because it will never change, so people have to opt-in for breaking changes instead, which is a much saner way of dealing with breaking changes.

So I’ve been thinking about this problem for quite a while now. In ecosystem like Rust, crates have to implement SemVer, so that cargo, the package manager and build system, knows how to resolve the dependency graph given your version requirements. But we don’t have that with Neovim plugins… or do we?

The solution is (partially) already there

In packer (and probably others), we can provide additional information to download (and update) plugins. For instance, packer supports the branch = …, tag = … and commit = … configuration options. So this gave me an idea. And this idea is something I would like to turn into a proposal for the Neovim community. The idea is to use both branches and tags to encode SemVer information and allow users to specify plugins a bit like you would specify dependencies in tools like cargo. In order to do that, plugin authors must accept and implement SemVer. The current way I see things is actually pretty simple:

In order to implement this scheme using git branches and git tags, there is one trick to implement. One a plugin author decide to make a new release, they have to do several things:

With this approach, a user can now depend on a version and be sure not to get breaking-changes. An example for my config for hop.nvim:

use {
  branch = "v1",
  config = function()
    require'hop'.setup {
      keys = 'etovxqpdygéèfblzhckisuran',


I’m currently writing a (small) plugin, branching on package managers such as packer, to be able, from a user perspective, to get a listing of packages that can be upgraded. For instance, if you depend on telescope.nvim-0.4, if telescope.nvim-0.4.9 is released, packer should pick it up because you would have branch = v0.4 in your config (and that branch would be updated to point to git tag v0.4.9). However, if telescope-nvim-0.5 is released, that tool will provide you with a hint that a new version is available and that you need to manually select it, because it might break your configuration.

Pros. & cons.

The obvious advantage (and incentive) here is that if plugin authors accept to implement something like this, plugin stability will be an old bitter memory. People who don’t care and want to live on the bleeding edge can completely ignore this proposal and still use the master / main branch (not providing the branch unfortunately often defaults to the master branch). The other incentive here is that plugins (like the one I’m writing for the tooling) can now do more things with git tags and branches to display more information, like the number of releases, git tag annotations to show proper release notes inside Neovim, etc.

The drawbacks are not negligible: implementing such a SemVer proposal using git tags and branches is going to require a bit more work, and the tooling is clearly lacking. This is very similar to how dynamic relocatable objects (.so) are handled on most Linux systems: the actual .so file is versioned somewhere on your file system, like /usr/lib/foo.1.2.3.so, and applications / other libraries can depend on major and minor versions by using symlinks: /usr/lib/foo.1.so points to /usr/lib/foo.1.2.so, which in turns points to /usr/lib/foo1.2.3.so. git doesn’t support sticky branches (i.e. you can’t ask to make a branch reference another one, it has to reference a commit, which is always immutable), so it means that updating a version requires you to update the whole hierarchy of branches, which is a bit annoying. A tool (like a shell tool in the plugin I’m writing) could probably help with that.

So what do you think? Worth it? I think that in terms of stability, it is a missing piece of pretty much any editor supporting dynamic plugins. The « ideal » situation would be to support semantic versioning directly at the package level (which is not packer, but directly how Neovim represents package), and the actual encoding of the package versions would probably be hard to implement using only a centralized system like GitHub as there is no index (besides git tags and branches).

↑ Neovim plugins stability
neovim, plugin, semver
Wed Nov 3 00:24:00 2021 UTC