This blog article is about a crate I have been working on for a while now: shades. That library is a shading library, that is, it provides you with types, traits and functions to create shaders. A shader is just a piece of code that typically runs on your GPU, and is written in a language such as GLSL — or anything that can target SPIR-V these days.

Context & problem

The way it typically works is by writing the GLSL code in a hard-coded string, or a file that is dynamically loaded at runtime by your application (some people even pre-compile GLSL into a binary form, but it doesn’t change the fact that the binary has to be brought to the GPU at runtime). The overall implication of all this is that the shader is represented via an opaque String (or binary like Vec<u8>) in your application.

A couple of examples of interfaces to handle shaders, using wgpu and a crate of mine, luminance:

As you can see, dealing with shader sources implies a string interface, because that’s basically code that needs to be compiled by your GPU driver (done at runtime). That has several issues:

Introducing shades

I introduced shades a couple of years ago without going public about it. The reason for that was that it was not completely ready for people to use. Of course you could have given a try (and fundamentally, it hasn’t changed much), but the syntax was going to drive people off right away. The idea of shades is to write shaders directly in Rust. Instead of using String to represent a shader stage, you use Stage<Inputs, Outputs, Environment>. That gives you a first visible advantage: typing. In shades, you don’t have to declare your inputs, outputs nor environment. For instance, compare the following GLSL code with its shades counterpart:

uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;

Whenever a shader stage has to use time or resolution, they will have to declare those two lines at the top of their sources. With shades:

struct Env {
  time: f32,
  resolution: V2<f32>,

struct EnvExpr {
  time: Expr<f32>,
  resolution: Expr<V2<f32>>,

impl Environment for Env {
  type Env = EnvExpr;

  fn env() -> Self::Env {
    EnvExpr {
      time: Expr::new_env(0),
      resolution: Expr::new_env(1),

  fn env_set() -> Vec<(u16, Type)> {
      (0, <f32 as ToType>::to_type()),
      (1, <V2<f32> as ToType>::to_type()),

When using a Stage<_, _, Env>, time and resolution will automatically be available, whenever you use them or not. This is even more interesting with procedural macro support in luminance for instance:

// the Environment and Semantics derive macro will generate all the above code for you, as well as the type family
#[derive(Debug, Environment, Semantics)]
struct Env {
  time: f32,
  resolution: V2<f32>,

So yes, shades is a bit more verbose at the Rust level, but I think it’s worth it because shaders are checked at compile-time (via rustc) and not at runtime anymore. Typing also allows a better composition and reusability.

Just to give you an idea, this is an old and outdated example taken from the repository to show you what it used to be:

let vertex_shader = StageBuilder::new_vertex_shader(
  |mut shader: StageBuilder<MyVertex, (), ()>, input, output| {
    let increment =|_: &mut Scope<Expr<f32>>, a: Expr<f32>| a + lit!(1.));|_: &mut Scope<()>, _: Expr<[[V2<f32>; 2]; 15]>| ());

    shader.main_fun(|s: &mut Scope<()>| {
      let x = s.var(1.);
      let _ = s.var([1, 2]);
      s.set(, increment(x.clone()));
        vec4!(input.pos, 1.) * lit![0., 0.1, 1., -1.],

      s.loop_while(true, |s| {
        s.when(x.clone().eq(1.), |s| {

let output = shades::writer::glsl::write_shader_to_str(&vertex_shader).unwrap();

That snippet doesn’t do anything really logical; it’s just there to show you how things look like.

I wrote a couple of things with shades, and even though I like it, I have to admit that the Rust API is pretty hard to read, use and understand. I needed something better.

The new age of shades: shades-edsl

Then it struck me: why would that API need to be the one people use? It can remain public, but maybe we can build something above it to make it much easier to use. The initial idea of that API was to be an EDSL, but Rust has a lot of limitations (for instance, Eq methods, Ord methods, etc. return bool, while I would need them to return Expr<bool>). So… I came to the realization that the right way to do this would be to write a real EDSL: shades-edsl.

The idea of shades-edsl is super simple: remove everything that would make shades usable directly by a human, and build a procedural macro that transforms regular Rust code into the API from shades. Basically, generate the shades code inside the code of a procedural macro, which is what humans will use.

The way it works is pretty straight-forward to understand: you write your shading code in a shades! { … } block. Everything in that block is reinterpreted and replaced by shades symbols: builders, method calls, etc. etc.

For instance, the following:

let stage = shades! { VS |_input, _output, _env| {
  fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

  fn main() {
    // do nothing

Will be reinterpreted as:

let stage = shades::stage::StageBuilder::<_, _, _>::new_vertex_shader(…);

Where is generated code (a lambda here). A couple of more example:

  // in a shades! block
  if cond {
  } else {

is transformed into:

  __scope.when(cond, |__scope| {
    #body_if // body_if is also transformed
  }).or_else(|__scope| {

Feature list

How it works

shades-edsl is implemented as a procedural macros, shades!, which defines a shader stage. It’s basically a monadic computation (using shades::stage::StageBuilder behind the scene). Once you write your fn main() function, the builder simply generates the Stage object for you (using StageBuilder::main_fun). In terms of architecture, it’s a pretty simple one:

  1. I use the syn crate to parse the content of the shades! invocation (TokenStream).
  2. I then mutate the generated AST to optimize and inject some logic in your code.
  3. I marshal the AST back to Rust by generating the calls to the shades API, and write the Rust code back to the TokenStream

Parsing the Rust code

Parsing the Rust code uses syn, a famous parsing crate used a lot by procedural macros. It was made to parse Rust-like code, but it has some interesting use cases. I’m used to writing procedural macros in luminance-derive for instance (#[derive()] annotations).

The idea is to take a Rust item and represent it as a data type. The important thing to know with syn is that it supports nice error message reporting, so you are advised to store non-meaningful information, like braces, parens, tokens, etc.

For instance:

let x: Type = 3;

We can represent such an item (a let declaration) with the following struct:

pub struct VarDeclItem {
  let_token: syn::Token![let],
  name: syn::Ident,
  ty: Option<(syn::Token![:], syn::Type)>,
  assign_token: syn::Token![=],
  expr: syn::Expr,
  semi_token: syn::Token![;],

syn::Token! is a type macro that resolves to the right type name for the given symbol.

Parsing in syn uses the Parse trait, and is more intimidating than hard to use. This is the whole parser for VarDeclItem:

impl Parse for VarDeclItem {
  fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
    let let_token = input.parse()?;
    let name = input.parse()?;

    let ty = if input.peek(Token![:]) {
      let colon_token = input.parse()?;
      let ty = input.parse()?;
      Some((colon_token, ty))
    } else {
    let assign_token = input.parse()?;
    let expr = input.parse()?;
    let semi_token = input.parse()?;

    Ok(Self {

ParseStream is the current state of the input stream. As you can see with the type of parse(), it will return the Self type or an error, so we can call input.parse()? inside the implementation if type inference knows what the type is, and that the type implements Parse. In our case, syn::Token![let] and syn::Ident do implement Parse, so we can parse them in two simple lines:

    let let_token = input.parse()?;
    let name = input.parse()?;

Then, we need to look ahead to check whether there is a semicolon (:). If there is, then we can parse syn::Token![:] and syn::Type, as both already implement Parse. Otherwise, we simply assume None as type ascription:

    let ty = if input.peek(Token![:]) {
      let colon_token = input.parse()?;
      let ty = input.parse()?;
      Some((colon_token, ty))
    } else {

The rest is as simple as everything implements Parse as well:

    let assign_token = input.parse()?;
    let expr = input.parse()?;
    let semi_token = input.parse()?;

We have everything we need to return the parsed declaration:

    Ok(Self {

Every Rust items are parsed like that. There are a couple of harder things. For instance, input can be split by parsing matched delimiters, resulting in two disjoint inputs, or some items will have to be delimited with punctuation (a token).

An example of disjoint input parsing while parsing if statements:

pub struct IfItem {
  if_token: Token![if],
  paren_token: Paren,
  cond_expr: Expr,
  brace_token: Brace,
  body: ScopeInstrItems,
  else_item: Option<ElseItem>,

// …

impl Parse for IfItem {
  fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
    let if_token = input.parse()?;

    let cond_input;
    let paren_token = parenthesized!(cond_input in input);
    let cond_expr = cond_input.parse()?;

    let body_input;
    let brace_token = braced!(body_input in input);
    let body = body_input.parse()?;

    let else_item = if input.peek(Token![else]) {
    } else {

    Ok(Self {

Here, we use the parenthesized! macro that parses a matching pair of (). Once it has finished, the input has advanced after the closing delimiter, but the second input (cond_input in our case) is scoped right after the opening delimiter and right before the closing one. That allows us to parse “inside” the parenthesis, which is a weird interface at first, but once you get used to it, it’s actually pretty smart and pretty fast. Notice how we parse the conditional expression using cond_input and not input here:

    let cond_input;
    let paren_token = parenthesized!(cond_input in input);
    let cond_expr = cond_input.parse()?;

Same thing with {} and the braced! macro:

    let body_input;
    let brace_token = braced!(body_input in input);
    let body = body_input.parse()?;

An even more interesting example: parsing function definitions:

pub struct FunDefItem {
  fn_token: Token![fn],
  name: Ident,
  paren_token: Paren,
  args: Punctuated<FnArgItem, Token![,]>,
  ret_ty: Option<(Token![->], Type)>,
  brace_token: Brace,
  body: ScopeInstrItems,

Here, args is a punctuated sequence of FnArgItem, delimited with ,. The parser is as follows:

impl Parse for FunDefItem {
  fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self, syn::Error> {
    let fn_token = input.parse()?;
    let name = input.parse()?;

    let args_input;
    let paren_token = parenthesized!(args_input in input);
    let args = Punctuated::parse_terminated(&args_input)?;

    let ret_ty = if input.peek(Token![->]) {
      let arrow_token = input.parse()?;
      let ret_ty = input.parse()?;
      Some((arrow_token, ret_ty))
    } else {

    let body_input;
    let brace_token = braced!(body_input in input);
    let body = body_input.parse()?;

    Ok(Self {

The argument part uses parenthesized! to parse the all arguments definitions, and then, with a single argument parser (identifier plus type: ident: Type), we can simply ask to parse many by using comma punctuation. This is done with parse_terminated:

    let args_input;
    let paren_token = parenthesized!(args_input in input);
    let args = Punctuated::parse_terminated(&args_input)?;

Parsing with syn is a bit weird at first (I’m used to nom because of glsl), but in the end, I think it’s a pretty funny and interesting interface. There is no combinator such as alternative parser selection, but that’s probably for the best, because the peek / look ahead interface forces you to write fast parsers. I really like it.

Mutating the AST

Mutating the AST is a top-down operation that consists in transforming types and expressions. The goal is to lift items up the shades EDSL. A function such as:

fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32

Needs to be representable in the shades AST. For this reason, a, b and the return type have to change types. Changing the type implies going from T to Expr<T>. That operation is done in a mutate(&mut self) method on each syntax items parsed from the previous stage, and each of mutate invocation might call mutate on items they contain (such as punctuated items, collections of instructions / statements, etc.).

The only interesting part to discuss here is probably how we can lift values in complex expressions such as a + (b * c). This is done with the concept of mutable visitors, defined in syn with the visit-mut feature gate. A mutable visitor is simply an object that implements a trait (VisitMut), which defines one method for each type of items in the AST that might exist. For instance, there is visit_expr_mut(&mut self, e: &mut syn::Expr) and a visit_type_mut(&mut self, e: &mut syn::Type). All visit_* methods have a default implementation doing nothing, so that you are left with implementing only the ones that matter for you.

An example of what I do with types:

struct ExprVisitor;

impl VisitMut for ExprVisitor {
  fn visit_type_mut(&mut self, ty: &mut Type) {
    *ty = parse_quote! { shades::expr::Expr<#ty> };

parse_quote! is a syn macro that is akin to quote! from quote, but can infer the return type to parse to the right type. Here, the returned type is inferred to be syn::Type.

An interesting thing with shades-edsl: because users will provide their inputs, outputs and environment types in the types of Stage, we do not want to wrap those in Expr, because they already contain Expr values, as seen earlier. For this reason, the syntax of types of arguments was augmented with the possibility to add a dash (#) in behind the types. If such a symbol is found, the type is assumed unlifted and shouldn’t be lift. For instance:

let a: i32 = …; // will become Expr<i32>
let b: #Foo = …; // will remain Foo

Generating the shades code

Generating the shades AST is just a matter of traversing the parsed and mutated AST and using the quote crate and its quote! macro to write the Rust code we want. The only missing part is how to bootstrap a StageBuilder, which is done with some more parsing. Invocation looks like this:

  let stage = shades! { vertex |input: TestInput, output: TestOutput, env: TestEnv| {

The first keyword is vertex here, but it could be fragment, geometry or any kind of shader stage (that needs to be documented). Then, you have a lambda. I chose that syntax because a shader stage can be imagined as a function of its input, output and environment. I hesitated with returning the output, but it would make things harder for some stages (i.e. geometry shaders), where they can write to the same output several times. In that lambda, every type is automatically marked as unlifted (so input: TestInput and input: #TestInput are the same).

Once transformed, this single line is akin to something like this:

shades::stage::StageBuilder::new_vertex_shader(|mut __builder: shades::stage::StageBuilder::<#user_in_ty, #user_out_ty, #user_env_ty>, #input, #output| {

Everything else works the same way. Some fun example:

The generated code when the main function is found:

    if name.to_string() == "main" {
      let q = quote! {
        // scope everything to prevent leaking them out
          // function scope
          let mut __scope: shades::scope::Scope<()> = shades::scope::Scope::new(0);

          // roll down the statements

          // create the function definition
          use shades::erased::Erased as _;
          let erased = shades::fun::ErasedFun::new(Vec::new(), None, __scope.to_erased());
          let fundef = shades::fun::FunDef::<(), ()>::new(erased);


If items:

impl ToTokens for IfItem {
  fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
    let cond = &self.cond_expr;
    let body = &self.body;

    let q = quote! {
    __scope.when(#cond, |__scope| {
    }) };


    match self.else_item {
      Some(ref else_item) => {
        let else_tail = &else_item.else_tail;
        quote! { #else_tail }.to_tokens(tokens);

      None => {
        quote! { ; }.to_tokens(tokens);

Else tail items, which allows to add an if again (else if) or stop to else only. You will notice in ToTokens implementation of IfItem that there is no ; added at the end of the .when() call unless there is no else following, and that rule is kept enforced in ToTokens for ElseTailItem as well. See, static analysis at compile-time!:

impl ToTokens for ElseTailItem {
  fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
    match self {
      ElseTailItem::If(if_item) => {

      ElseTailItem::Else { body, .. } => {
        let q = quote! {
          .or(|__scope| { #body });



Once you get a Stage, you can use a writer to output a String, so that shades is compatible with any kind of library / framework / engine that expects a string-based shader source.

For example, for GLSL:

  let output = shades::writer::glsl::write_shader_to_str(&vertex_shader).unwrap();

Interaction with luminance

Eh, I wrote both crates, so obviously luminance has / will have a special support of shades. Remember the definition of Environment above? It’s similar to Inputs and Outputs, too. luminance-derive already provides some derive macros to automatically implement some traits, and it will provide a support to implement Inputs, Outputs and Environment as well, without having to think about the indexes.

Caveats and alternative work

Of course, if something is not implemented correctly (a bug in shades-edsl, a bug in shades), debugging the output shaders will be harder, because everything is generated (names included) on the target side. It’s something to keep in mind.

You should also have a look at some similar yet different approaches:

Keep the vibes!

Reddit discussion

↑ A Rust shading language EDSL
shades, shader, rust, EDSL
Sat Jul 30 13:30:00 2022 UTC